Saturday, March 10, 2012

Group Show: Incognito (Santa Monica MoA, USA)

The Story
Group Show: Incognito (Santa Monica MoA, USA)
Mar 10th 2012, 17:06


March 15- 17, 2012


Saturday, March 17, 7 – 10 pm
Doors open at 7 pm sharp

With original artworks by 500 contemporary artists, INCOGNITO features work by luminaries including Yoko Ono, John Baldessari, Mark Bradford, and Judy Chicago, as well as a host of emerging talent. This spirited evening encourages attendees—from sophisticated art patrons to first-time collectors—to trust their instincts as they select treasures that speak to their unique aesthetic. Each piece is signed on the back and the artists' identities are revealed only after purchase.

All artworks are the same size 8"x10" and available for only $350 (+ tax).

Wine and Spirits
Food by Lene
Musical entertainment by NYC DJ Duo Cassie and Harley

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Santa Monica Museum of Art

Bergamot Station G1, 2525 Michigan Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404
310.586.6487 fax

Museum Hours
Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday, and all legal holidays
Closed for installation between exhibitions;
please check Calendar for details

Suggested Donation: $5; Artists, Students, Seniors: $3

INCOGNITO 2012 Participating Artists:

(As of February 6, 2012)

Luciana Abait, Lillian Abel, Kim Abeles, Lisa Adams, Simone Adels, Amy Adler, Nick Agid, Cathy Akers, Lynn Aldrich, Cynthia Alexander, Irina Alimanestianu, Terry Allen, Rachel Allen Architecture, Jami Allen-Snyder, Sophia Allison, Ricky Allman, Melinda Smith Altshuler, Marcos Alvarez, Fumiko Amano, Michelle Andrade, Eleanor Antin, Carolyn Applegate, Edgar Arceneaux, Skip Arnold, Alejandro Artigas, Chad Attie, Don Bachardy, Donald Baechler, Hilary Baker, John Baldessari, Glen Baldridge, Devendra Banhart, Miyoshi Barosh, Kelly Barrie, Ray Barrie, Lyndon Barrois Jr., Judith Barry, Gary Baseman, Justin Beal, Edith Beaucage, Martin Beck, Drew Beckmeyer, Quinton Bemiller, Adam Berg, Cindy Bernard, Jodie Berry, Guillermo Bert, Brian Biedul, Joe Biel, Colby Bird, Heimir Björgúlfsson, Dany Bohbot, MB Boissonnault, Lisa Borgnes, Derek Boshier, Janet Bothne, Katy Kristin Bowen, Andrea Bowers, Mark Bradford, Marco Brambilla, Leonardo Bravo, Brian Bress, Calef Brown, Gary Frederick Brown, Edgar Bryan, Elizabeth Bryant, David Buckingham, Bruce Busby, Nao Bustamante, A. Butzer, Kristin Calabrese, Ingrid Calame, Huguette Caland, Joshua Callaghan, Jo Ann Callis, Jane Callister, Clayton Campbell, Scott Campbell, Giorgio Carlevaro, Barbara Carrasco, Karen Carson, Carter Carter, Jamison Carter, Richard Carter, Cole Case, Enrique Castrejon, Corinne Chaix, Matthew Chambers, York Chang, Jeff Charbonneau and Eliza French, Michael Chearney, Nicole Cherubini, Judy Chicago, Tofer Chin, Maximillian Chow, Bruce Cohen, Greg Colson, Jeff Colson, Laura Copelin, Xavier Cázares Cortéz, Michael Coughlan, Eileen Cowin, Liz Craft, Meg Cranston, Thomas Alan Cronk, Hugo Crosthwaite, Daniel Cummings, Dorit Cypis, Sean Dack, Brad Davis, Jay Davis, Len Davis, Woods Davy, Tony de los Reyes, Mara De Luca, Michael Dee, Steve DeGroodt, Tony DeLap, Neil M. Denari, Helen DeSanctis, Will Deutsch, Ann Diener, Guy Dill, Alex Dodge, Tomory Dodge, Mimi Drop, Anna Dusi, Mark Dutcher, Addoley Dzegede, Mari Eastman, Jonmarc Edwards, Michelle Elzay, A. McLean Emenegger, Elizabeth Enders, Noah Erenberg, Sam Erenberg, Merion Estes, Ned Evans, Kirsten Everberg, Betsy Everitt, Bart Exposito, Shepard Fairey, Mollie Favour, Carolyn Fernandez, Bruria Finkel, Kim Fisher, Ed Flynn, Simone Forti, Andrew Foster, Jona Frank, Jonah Freeman, Bryan Freeny, Terri Friedman, Sarah Frost, Gajin Fujita, Barnaby Furnas, Caroline Furr, Joe Fyfe, Francesca Gabbiani, Charles Gaines, Steve Galloway, Harry Gamboa Jr., Helen K. Garber, Jordan Gaunce, Megan Geckler, Alejandro Gehry, Ana Marini Genzon, Michael Genovese, Susan Gesundheit, Luis Gispert, Christopher Glancy/COV, Milton Glaser, Shirley Glass, Jimi Gleason, Sayre Gomez, Marcelino Gonçalves, Yolanda Gonzalez, Penelope Gottlieb, Rives Granade, Timothy Granlund, Alexandra Grant, Cameron Gray, Phyllis Green, Mark Steven Greenfield, Maria Greenshields-Ziman, Alvin Gregorio, Margaret Griffith, Jennifer Guidi, Sherin Guirguis, Karin Gulbran, Wade Guyton, Mary Addison Hackett, Lia Halloran, Lloyd Hamrol, Nancy Jean Hancock, Janet Langdon Handtmann, Lynn Hanson, Kira Lynn Harris, Willie Harris, Joseph Hart, Adam Harteau, Karen Harter, Cynthia Hartling, Doug Harvey, Edgar Heap of Birds, Drew Heitzler, Wendy Heldmann, Matthew Heller, David Hendren, Roger Herman, George Herms, Pixie Herms, Juan Carlos Muñoz Hernandez, Katie Herzog, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Susan Holcomb, Loren Holland, Evan Holloway, Violet Hopkins, Channa Horwitz, Anna Sew Hoy, Bettina Hubby, Darcy Huebler, Sara Hunsucker, Dusadee Pang Huntrakul, Eva Hyam, Carmine Iannaccone, Anthony James, Mac James, Max Jansons, Ellen Jantzen, Michael Jantzen, JC Jaress, Amparo Jelsma, Carrie Jenkins, Dane Karl Johnson, Vincent Johnson, Robert Johnson III, Vincent Joliet, Jow, Gegam Kacherian, Cindy Kane, Yoichi Kawamura, Szajna Kellman, Veronika Kellndorfer, Mary Kelly, Brian Kennon, Kristi Kent, Aragna Ker, Martin Kersels, Steve Kim, Karen Kimmel, Linda King, Bill Kleiman, Patricia Knop, Dennis Koch, Christof Kohlhofer, Melissa Kojima, Olga Koumoundouros, Thomas Kovachevich, Greg Kozaki, Joyce Kozloff, Alex Kroll, Marcus Kuiland-Nazario, Alan Kupchick, Robert Kushner, Tom LaDuke, Suzy Lake, Lauren Lavitt, Maddy Le Mel, Brendan Leech, Rick Legorreta, Mark Lere, Tom Lesser, Joshua Levine, Robert Levine, Caryl Christian Levy, John Oliver Lewis, Won Ju Lim, Clarence Lin, Jed Lind, Chris Lipomi, Matt Lipps, Littlewhitehead, Lucy Liu, Jay Lizo, Karen Lofgren, Peter Lograsso, Caitlin Lonegan, Bill Longhauser, Mara Lonner, Renée Lotenero, Richard Louderback, Jean Lowe, Kandy Lozano, John Gilbert Luebtow, Shana Lutker, Mela M., Kim MacConnel, Nancy Macko, Christina Madans, Constance Mallinson, Daniel Maltzman, Mambo, Becca Mann, Summer Mann, Adam Marnie, Luigia Martelloni, Max Maslansky, Taras Matla, Jake Kean Mayman, Yassi Mazandi, Jessica McCambly, Kim McCarty, Robin McCauley, David McDonald, Mercedes McDonald, Michael C. McMillen, Rodney McMillian, James McNulty, Blue McRight, Robert Mellor, Adrian Meraz, Thom Merrick, Christopher Michlig, Tom Millea, Brad Miller, Greg Miller, James Miller, Adia Millett, Yunhee Min, Robert Minervini, Robin Mitchell, Chuck Moffit, Bobbie Moline-Kramer, Nancy Monk, Pentti Monkkonen, Lester Monzon, Mary More, Jim Morphesis, Joey Lehman Morris, Rebecca Morris, Aaron Morse, Andy Moses, Ed Moses, Brian C. Moss, Susan Moss, Mario M. Muller, Manfred Müller, Thomas Müller, Barbara Nathanson, Chris Natrop, Tucker Neel, Geraldine Neuwirth, Kim Newstadt, Charles Nickila, Jessica Nicol, Danial Nord, Laurie Nye, Chris Oatey, Lisa Occhipinti, Ruben Ochoa, Matthew Offenbacher, Patti Oleon, Chris Oliveria, Pat O'Neill, Yoko Ono, Ruben Ortiz Torres, Ed Osborn, Kaz Oshiro, Ruby Osorio, John W. Outterbridge, Laura Owens, Edward Carlo Pacio, Gary Palmer, Liga Pang, R. Nelson Parrish, Christopher Pate, Izhar Patkin, Gillian Pears, Joan Perlman, Luciano Perna, Renee Petropoulos, Raymond Pettibon, Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, Francis Pezza, Ave Pildas, Paul Pitsker, Plasticgod, Allie Pohl, Bruce Pollock, Mary Anne Pomonis, William Pope.L, William Powhida, Vanessa Prager, Lori Precious, Astrid Preston, Janis Provisor, Stephanie Pryor, Yuval Pudik, Antonio Puleo, Bill Radawec, Leta Ramos, Mel Ramos, David Reed, Miles Regis, Maeghan Reid, Rob Reynolds, Dan Rider, Elwood T. Risk, Lynn Robb, John Robertson, Walter Robinson, Ry Rocklen, Steve Roden, Ana Rodriguez, Michael A. Rosenfeld, Amanda Ross-Ho, Melanie Rothschild, Kathy Rudin, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Eddie Ruscha, Maha Saab, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Lezley Saar, Gwen Samuels, Julião Sarmento, Debra Scacco, Larry Scharf, Molly Schiot, Lothar Schmitz, Kim Schoenstadt, Barbara Schwan, Josh Schweitzer, Chloe Sells, Lisa Semler, Shelter Serra, Marie Sester, Claudio Sgaravizzi, Brian Sharp, David Benjamin Sherry, Peter Shire, Fran Siegel, Justin Siegel, Elena Mary Siff, Richard David Sigmund, Adam Silverman, Elias Sime, Simmons & Burke, Doni Silver Simons, Kristina Simonsen, Alex Slade, Gibb Slife, Rena Small, Alexis Smith, Ali Smith, Barbara T. Smith, Lucien Smith, Joe Sola, Mariangeles Soto-Diaz, Brad Spence, Jeni Spota, Andréa Stanislav, Ralph Steadman, Randi Malkin Steinberger, Jennifer Steinkamp, Gretel Stephens, Coleen Sterritt, Mary Clare Stevens, Roni Stretch, Don Suggs, May Sun, Ricky Swallow, Lisa Tchakmakian, Diana Thater, Mickalene Thomas, Samantha Thomas, Mark Todd, Ibojka Toth-Radawec, Anne Troutman, David Trulli, Brian Tucker, Georgi Tushev, Carrie Ungerman, Bob Van Breda, Monique van Genderen, Alison Van Pelt, Lesley Vance, Jennifer Vanderpool, Vasa, Sage Vaughn, Mark Verabioff, Margo Victor, Ariane Vielmetter, Tyler Vlahovich, Catherine Wagner, Santy Wang, Gary Ward, Esther Pearl Watson, Mary K. Weatherford, Marnie Weber, William Wegman, Roger Weik, Ruth Weisberg, Trine Wejp-Olsen, Jeffrey Wells, Brett Westfall, Ben White, Pae White, Alexandra Wiesenfeld, Robert Williams, Lyn Winter, Steven Wolkoff, Augusta Wood, Donald Woodman, Suzan Woodruff, Jemima Wyman, Leslie Yagar, Rosha Yaghmai, Kent Young and Kevin Young, Liz Young, Buzz Yudell, Christine Zelinsky, Jody Zellen, Zelda Zinn, Bari Ziperstein, Pippi Zornoza, Robert Zungu.

INCOGNITO, SMMoA's legendary exhibition and art sale returns for its eighth year, enhanced by the first-ever PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview.

Thursday, March 15, 7 – 10 pm

PRECOGNITO is SMMoA's inaugural Gala and Preview that will honor philanthropist and collector Eileen Harris Norton; artistPaul McCarthy; and founder of the Bergamot Station Arts Center, Wayne Blank. Attendees will be treated to an elegant dinner, musical entertainment, and an exclusive preview of the 600 works of art available for purchase at INCOGNITO.

Preview of INCOGNITO artworks
Food by Lene
Musical entertainment by NYC DJ Duo Cassie and Harley

Tribute to Eileen Harris Norton
by Mark Bradford

Tribute to Paul McCarthy
by Mara McCarthy

Tribute to Wayne Blank
by Craig Krull

PRECOGNITO/ INCOGNITO 2012 Special Packages and Ticket Levels:

Early purchase is recommended as PRECOGNITO/ INCOGNITO tickets are limited.

To purchase tickets:
Please use the links below, call 310.586.6488 x116, or

PRECOGNITO 2012–Thursday, March 15
INCOGNITO 2012–Saturday, March 17

Luminary—$25,000 ($21,250 tax deductible)
- Luminary seating for 10 at PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview
- Tickets for 10 to INCOGNITO
- 5 INCOGNITO artworks
- No Waiting in Line! Luminary ticket holders will have first entry into INCOGNITO
- Local artwork delivery upon request
INCOGNITO VIP Lounge access
- Reserved parking for 5 cars at PRECOGNITO/ INCOGNITO
- Luminary recognition online and on site
- Opportunity to designate two seats for an artist and special guest, leaving eight seats for PRECOGNITO ($21,450 is tax deductible)

Visionary — $15,000 ($12,350 tax deductible)
- Visionary seating for 6 at PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview
- Tickets for 6 to INCOGNITO
- 3 INCOGNITO artworks
- Priority entry to INCOGNITO after Luminary ticket holders
- Local artwork delivery upon request
INCOGNITO VIP Lounge access
- Reserved parking for 3 cars at PRECOGNITO/ INCOGNITO
- Visionary recognition online and on site

Cognoscenti — $5,000 ($3,900 tax deductible)
- Cognoscenti seating for 4 at PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview
- Tickets for 4 to INCOGNITO
- 2 INCOGNITO artworks
- Priority entry to INCOGNITO after Visionary ticket holders
- Local artwork delivery upon request
INCOGNITO VIP Lounge access
- Reserved parking for 2 cars at PRECOGNITO/ INCOGNITO
- Cognoscenti recognition online and on site

Benefactor — $2,500 ($1,950 tax deductible)
- Benefactor seating for 2 at PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview
- Tickets for 2 to INCOGNITO
- 1 INCOGNITO artwork
- Entry to INCOGNITO after Cognoscenti ticket holders
- Benefactor recognition online


Thursday, March 15

Aficionado — $750 ($650 tax deductible)
- Aficionado seating for 1 at PRECOGNITO Gala and Preview


Saturday, March 17

Patron — $700 ($350 tax deductible)
- Tickets for 2 to INCOGNITO
- 1 INCOGNITO artwork
- Entry to INCOGNITO after Benefactor ticket holders

Supporter — $100 ($100 tax deductible)
($150 at the door)
- Ticket for 1 to INCOGNITO
- Entry to INCOGNITO after all other ticket holders

INCOGNITO 2012 Committee:

Price Latimer Agah (Committee Chair), Claressinka Anderson, Matt and Abby Bangser, Nancy Chaikin, Max Chow, John Cournoyer, Charlotte Eyerman, Laura Fried, Alejandro Gehry, Francois Ghebaly, Justin Gilanyi, Jean-Christophe Harel, Heather Harmon, Gail Katz, Jordan Klein, Nancy Klein, Bettina Korek, Mills Moran, Ragna Nervik, Bruce Samuels, MD, Leigh Silverton.


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