Tuesday, September 9, 2014

we are ready for the tea party! | Jama's Alphabet Soup

Callooh! Callay!

How to Behave at a Tea Party is officially out today!

What happens when opinionated Julia tries to teach her carefree little brother, Charles, how to behave at a tea party? This sweet and silly take on the classic manners theme is filled with sibling antics, laugh-out-loud moments, big imagination, and plenty of heart, making it perfect for readers of modern classics such as Fancy Nancy and Ladybug Girl. It’s also great for parents of tantrum-throwing preschoolers looking to impart some wisdom on how to cope with life’s surprises.

Julia wants nothing more than to teach Charles proper tea party etiquette, but things are not going as planned. The tiny sandwiches have been gobbled up by the dog, Charles is using sugar cubes as building blocks, and the neighbor kids have eaten the centerpiece. Will Julia and Charles find a way to play together?

Happy Pub Day to Madelyn Rosenberg and Heather Ross!

Dust off your fancy hats, polish your silver teaspoons and get ready to put the kettle on. Review coming soon right here at Alphabet Soup!


Copyright © 2014 Jama Rattigan of Jama’s Alphabet Soup. All rights reserved.



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