Friday, October 3, 2014

Flu Shot? | GoodMorningGloucester

You know I’ve had life threatening health issues. I asked my AGH cancer doctor when and if I should get a flu shot. He said get one now, it won’t interfere with my chemotherapy. On the way out, the hospital receptionist said she had no idea when the hospital flu shots would be offered, but soon: “Call next week.” Well, I called yesterday, a week later, and they still have no clue. I love my local hospital, Addison Gilbert, but please… Your local discount drug store is ready to help you. Sad.

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Thanks for visiting -Joey

As long as supplies last if any GMG folks want a bumper sticker but can't drop down the dock, just send a self addressed and stamped envelope longer then 7 and a half inches and I'll drop one in the mail for you.

Send the self addressed and stamped envelope to the dock at 95 East Main St Gloucester Ma 01930 care of Joey (put my name in big letters to make sure it gets to me)


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