All VNA services have discharged me because of my improvement and insurance requirements. This means no more weekly visiting Registered Nurses (Diane), no more Kathleen (my physical therapist), and Shelly (my occupational therapist). They all helped me so much that it brings tears to my eyes to see them go. Now, I must look to outpatient physical rehab facilities. There are three on Cape Ann (I cannot walk or drive). Two are in Blackburn Park, and one is at Addison Gilbert Hospital, the place that initially saved my life. Transportation-wise, AGH is the most convenient. I’m determined to be walking by Thanksgiving, come hell or high water. Any suggestions for the rehab facility? (Note: I’m also going to follow an exercise program at home. Kathleen: “Walking is the best exercise you can have, because it uses all of your muscles.”) In retrospect, I should not only thank the medical professionals who saved my life three times this year, but also the dedicated professional therapists from Den-mar and Seacoast, who all helped restore my physical abilities and continue to stay healthy.
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