Title: Superhero
Author: Eli Easton
Narrator:: Tristan Wright
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Run Time: 2 Hours, 57 Minutes
Rating: 4.5 Stars
Blurb: It’s not easy for a young gay artist like Jordan Carson to grow up in Jefferson, Wisconsin, where all anyone seems to care about in middle school and high school are the sports teams. But Jordan was lucky. He met Owen Nelson in the second grade, and they’ve been BFFs ever since. Owen is a big, beautiful blond and their school’s champion wrestler. No one messes with Owen, or with anyone close to him, and he bucks popular opinion by keeping Jordan as his wingman even after Jordan comes out at school.
Their friendship survives, but Jordan’s worst enemy may be himself: he can’t seem to help the fact that he is head-over-heels in love with a hopeless case – his straight friend, Owen. Owen won’t let anything take Jordan’s friendship away, but he never counted on Jordan running off to find a life of his own. Owen will have to face the nature of their relationship if he’s to win Jordan back.
Review: I’m agreeing with Jackie’s e-book review that Eli Easton’s Superhero is a great Coming-of-Age, 5 Star read! Normally, I stay away from the YA genre since I like a more mature romance, but Eli Easton is fast becoming an auto-buy, top-priority-must-read-immediately author for me. I absolutely love her brand of humor, as well as the way she thinks and writes outside the box. It’s a pleasant surprise when an author can lure me into reading, or even listening to, anything YA. So, kudos to Jackie’s review for convincing me to give Superhero a try, and kudos to Eli Easton for making it worth taking the chance.
I loved nearly all of Tristan Wright’s performance. His lovely voice was age appropriate, the pace of the story didn’t feel rushed or stilted, it flowed evenly, and something called emotion was thrown in as an added bonus! The only thing I would say that prevents me from giving a 5 Star rating to Superhero, the audio version, was that Tristan’s voice wasn’t quite distinct enough from character to character. Now, I don’t know about others who enjoy audio books, but for me, especially when shifting between characters, it’s kind of important. I had some confusing moments when I lost track of who was speaking. If I were one who was doing nothing but listening, I could catch the shifts in points of view, but since I’m usually driving or cleaning while listening to an audio, this proved to be a problem.
With this in mind, I’m giving the audio version a 4.5 Star rating and am highly recommending Superhero as a good listen. It’s the kind of story I wouldn’t mind letting any teenager I know listen to, or read, for that matter. I sure wish stories like this had been available when I was in the YA age bracket, and I hope Eli Easton has more coming out in audio soon.
You can buy Superhero here: